

5 Easy Summer Peach Purée Pairings

By BabyFoodE

5 Easy Summer Peach Purée Pairings

It’s the most magical time of year – peach season!

With their sweet juicy insides bursting with intense summer flavor, peaches are always a hit in my house! My girls will devour peaches in everything I serve them – roughly chopped up as a quick snack, folded into fluffy pancakes, sliced on top of yogurt, inside warm cinnamon oatmeal, grilled as a dessert, skewered with chicken for a fun kabab, inside a warm cobbler, blended into a fresh smoothie, chopped in a barley salad, and that is just the beginning.

We just can’t get enough fresh peaches!

Don’t worry; peaches are not just for older kids and grownups to enjoy. Babies can enjoy their delicious taste as well. Just because your baby isn’t old enough to hold and eat a ripe peach, doesn’t mean you should let the summer’s yummiest fruit pass by their lips and not be enjoyed by their little taste buds.

These five twists on purées are an easy way to combine the fresh taste of peaches and the best of Beech-Nut’s amazing purées. All of these purée combos take less than 5 minutes to make and the only equipment you need is a blender!

Semi-homemade purées for baby in under 5 minutes, now we’re talking!

peach purée pairings

Not only do they taste great but peaches are packed with vital vitamins and minerals. Full of vitamin A and C, beta-carotene, calcium, iron and fiber, you can’t go wrong with adding in a ripe peach to any Beech-Nut purée.

1. Peachy Kale Purée

This powerhouse purée is full of tasty peach goodness and superfood kale. This purée is loaded with over 10 essential vitamins and minerals that help baby with brain development, bone and teeth growth, aids in digestion and helps promote healthy eyesight. It’s one of my favorite summer purées!

To Make: Blend together 1/2 ripe chopped peach and 1 jar of pear, kale & orange purée in a blender for 30-45 seconds on high or until smooth. Pour the desired amount of purée into serving bowl and serve to baby.

peach carrot puree

2. Curry Peach + Carrot Purée with Multigrain Baby Cereal

Curry might sound like an odd spice to pair with peaches, but I find that curry brings out the earthy flavors of a peach and balances out their sweetness. When combined with carrot purée and a serving of multigrain baby cereal, this purée combination becomes a savory meal your little one will love.

For baby, try to find a mild curry such as Madras, Matcha, Yellow Curry or Sweet Green Thai Curry. Each spice brand carries a slightly different blend of curry so just opt for one that is mild in spice.

To make: Blend together 1 ripe chopped peach, 1 jar or carrots purée and 1 big pinch of mild curry in a blender for 30-45 seconds or until smooth. In a small bowl make the cereal by mixing together 3 tablespoons of multigrain baby cereal and 3 tablespoons warm water. Feel free to adjust the quantity of cereal based on how much your baby normally eats. Gently mix in the desired amount of purée and serve to baby.

3. Peach Cobbler Purée with Yogurt

I’m not sure who is going to love this puree combination more – you or your baby? Fresh peaches blended with apples, a touch a cinnamon and a hint of granola make a blue ribbon winner that tastes just like you are digging into a big bowl of homemade peach cobbler!

To make: Blend together 1 ripe chopped peach and 1/2 jar of apple, pumpkin & granola purée in a blender for 30-45 seconds on high or until smooth. Pour the desired amount of purée into a serving bowl and add 1 tablespoon of plain full-fat Greek yogurt on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Gently swirl and serve to baby.

peach berry puree

4. Peach Berry Purée

Since you are able to control how chunky this purée is, the Peach Berry Purée is a great way to introduce a chunkier purée to baby. Each baby is different and eats at their own pace, but babies tend to crave a chunkier texture around 9-10 months of age. If your baby is younger in age or not ready for a chunky purée, you can easily soften this in a blender for a smoother texture.

To make: For chunky purée – In a medium bowl, take 1/2 peeled and chopped ripe peach and smash with the back of a fork until it is only slightly chunky. Add in 2-3 tablespoons apple & blackberry purée and mix until incorporated. Feel free to add in more purée to taste. Serve. For smooth purée – blend 1/2 peeled and chopped ripe peach and 1/2 jar of apple & blackberry purée in a blender for 30-45 seconds or until smooth. Pour desired amount of purée into serving bowl and serve to baby.

peach mango puree

5. Peach Mango Ginger Purée

For a fun tropical twist, try blending together fresh peaches with the exotic mango purée along with a pinch of fresh ginger. This purée will be a fun delight for your little ones taste buds!

To make: Blend together 1 ripe chopped peach, 1 jar of mangos purée and 1 pinch of freshly minced ginger in a blender for 30-45 seconds until smooth. Pour the desired amount of purée into serving bowl and serve to baby.

For more easy and delicious recipes, follow me and Beech-Nut on Instagram and Facebook. You can always check out our blogs as well!