
meet the team

Kevin Morosko

Meet one of our emerging leaders.


  1. What do you love most about your career at Beech-Nut Nutrition?

I love working with a group of people that share the same passion to succeed.


  1. What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My family – and not just because I have a newborn who’s currently keeping us up at night. My wife and kids drive me to be the best person that I can, both personally and professionally. I constantly learn from them, and try to incorporate it into all facets of my life.


  1. What’s your favorite perk to working at Beech-Nut Nutrition?

We have a beautiful campus and I try to get outside whenever possible – either on a lunch break, or to have a walking meeting.


  1. What do you do to live a balanced life?

When I get home from work, I’m fully committed to time with my family. If there is something that requires action, I’ll be sure to wait until after my kids go to bed to finish it up.


  1. How would you describe Beech-Nut Nutrition in 5 words or less?

Honest, focused, driven, & hard-working.


  1. What is your favorite product that we make at Beech-Nut Nutrition?

Our Organic Banana Cinnamon Granola jar. I also enjoy our Toddler line-up – they make for a great mid-day snack!


  1. How would you describe your work style?

Collaborative, analytical, fact-based, and level-headed.


  1. If you could have dinner with someone living or dead who would it be?

It would be my mom – she passed away nine years ago, and I’d love to tell her about the additions to the family since she has been gone.


  1. What is your favorite company or person to follow?

I enjoy following leaders who are constantly looking at ways to innovate and improve – Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk.


  1. What is your best life hack?

Working out in the morning – it gives me a boost of energy to get going, and I feel more focused throughout the day.


  1. What have you learned at Beech-Nut Nutrition that you will never forget?

To be successful, you need to learn and adapt.


  1. What is the weirdest job you have ever had?

I was a short order cook at a VERY small burger take out establishment in high school.


  1. What has been your biggest career success?

In my first year at Beech-Nut, I was the recipient of the President’s Award for enabling business performance through the Sales & Operations Planning process. Beech-Nut was selected to present at the APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society) national conference, and it was an exciting learning experience.


  1. What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader?

At Beech-Nut Nutrition we work cross-functionally and I try to learn as much from my peers as I can. Whether it be a tempering procedure for an ingredient or a new marketing metric, I enjoy learning what my counterparts are focused on, and how it impacts our business.


  1. What is your biggest outside interest?

Recently I’ve gotten into listening to podcasts. I really enjoy Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History, as well as many of the shows from Gimlet media.


  1. What is a book you have read recently?

Besides a lot of Dr. Seuss with my kids, I just finished reading The Elements of Scrum – I’m constantly looking for new ways to maximize meeting length and efficiency.


  1. How do you incorporate our mission (Delight Consumers by Conserving the Goodness of Nature) into your role every day?

At Beech-Nut, we want to serve our consumers fresh food, and for it to be available when they’re shopping for it. On the Planning team, we make sure our forecast is accurate to provide retailers the product they need on shelf so moms and dads can feed their little ones.


  1. How and where do you find inspiration?

I seek out other leaders that I respect, not just in business but in all walks of life, and try to learn and read about them as much as possible. Hearing how others have succeeded drives me to seek out my own path to success.


  1. What are you most passionate about in your role?

Ensuring Beech-Nut has the capacity and procedures to allow us to achieve its goals, and that my team is learning and growing every day.


  1. What are three things still left on your bucket list?

Visiting the pyramids, learning to play piano, and teaching a college course.


We make baby food inspired by homemade; preparing it very carefully, using Non-GMO verified, natural or organic ingredients in almost all of our products. Our work is organized around our mission to Delight Consumers by Conserving the Goodness of Nature. If you would like to join the BNN team, you will be surrounded by colleagues who care deeply about our mission, others, the planet, and who are empowered to make a difference.