Green Eggs & Ham
Remember the classic Dr. Seuss book with the Cat in the Hat? Teach your kiddos about being open to trying new things (like Green Eggs & Ham!) with this easy breakfast recipe for toddlers. It’s an easy way to add veggies into a classic scramble – using natural ingredients to turn your eggs green!
What you need (serves 2):
- 1 Beech-Nut® Naturals Spinach, Zucchini & Peas jar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tablespoon of milk
- ¼ cup shredded mozzarella
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Cubed ham
- Oil (for greasing)
What to do:
1. Just like the Cat in the Hat would do, heat cubes of ham in a pan.
2. Mix 8 eggs, add in the Beech-Nut® Naturals jar puree, mozzarella & milk.
3. Pour the mix into large nonstick pan on medium-high heat.
4. Use a silicone spatula to gently scrape up the eggs as they cook,
pushing them to the outside of the pan, and letting the uncooked
portions run toward the center.
5. When the majority of the eggs are still just slightly wet, sprinkle
with salt and pepper, give one more gentle scrape and stir of
everything, then remove them from the pan.
6. Serve a scoop of green eggs with a side of ham. We think you’ll like it, Sam I Am!