

Mini Veggie Mac Cups

By Becca Roberts, Beech-Nut® Ambassador

Mini Veggie Mac Cups


A great combination of protein and veggies for your child that parents will love too. This Mini Veggie Mac cup recipe is a delicious meal time idea that the whole family can enjoy.


What you need:

  • 8 oz Elbow macaroni 
  • 4 cups Shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup Panko bread crumbs 
  • 1 jar of Beech-Nut naturals carrots, sweet corn & pumpkin purée 
  • 1 Package of ham (7.5 oz)
  • 5 Asparagus spears (balanced and diced)
  • Cooking spray 
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of pepper 
  • Mini muffin tin

ingredients you need



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray mini muffin tin and coat with panko bread crumbs.
  3. Cook macaroni according to package instructions. Run under cold water and set aside.
  4. Blanch asparagus in boiling water for a couple minutes, then dice.
  5. Cut ham into small cubes and pan fry with diced asparagus briefly. pan fry ham
  6. Mix Beech-Nut purée, ham, asparagus, shredded cheese, salt and pepper together in a large bowl. mix ingredients
  7. Spoon mixture into mini muffin tins and sprinkle with shredded cheese and panko crumbs. spoon mixture into tin
  8. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
  9. Allow to cool, remove from muffin tins then enjoy!Mini Veggie Mac Cups