

Transitioning Your Baby to Solids

By Megan Yarmuth, Take Time For Style

Transitioning Your Baby to Solids

If there were one of those fun quizzes about Mom personalities, mine would definitely be Mom Feeder. It’s what I do. I love to feed people and I get so much joy from having people at my table. When Jake, my 3 ½ year old, finishes a healthy meal it makes me so happy to know that he is well fed and nourished.

But making the transition from nursing/formula to solids isn’t so easy. In fact for me it was downright intimidating. I’ve been going through this right now with Max for the past several months and I remember the time with Jake vividly. All of a sudden the doctor told me at a four-month appointment that it was time to start solid foods and I was shocked. I was SO not prepared for that next step!

Is there a manual for this? What could he eat? Could he handle it? What foods were best? So many questions and a little hungry man looking right back at me willing to stuff anything and everything in his mouth.

We eased in over the coming months and it was a huge learning process of reading labels, blogs and books. Early on I opted for as many natural foods with as few ingredients as possible such as bananas, carrots and avocados. Then I worked in other items like meats and blends. We all survived but it sure felt harder than it needed to be! And this in the midst of so many other baby transitions!

Thankfully Beech-Nut is making strides in helping us parents navigate the murky waters of this transition. Let’s all breathe a collective sigh of relief! Phew! You guys know I’m super picky about food and that I love Beech-Nut baby food due to its ingredient transparency and good, quality ingredients. Well, they decided to lend us all a helping hand and, after some research, created a blog that is home to Beech-Nut’s Guide to What Baby Eats Now. It’s full of great feeding information and I’ve even been inspired to get Max trying some new foods like kale!

Here’s the breakdown of a recent Beech-Nut survey on infant nutrition:

transition to solid foods

Additional survey findings, which included 200 parents of infants and expecting parents, were: 48 percent of parents feel there’s not enough information on introducing solids 91 percent want their infants to grow up to be healthier and better eaters than they are Half of parents wish their infants ate more veggies.

Raise your hand if any of that sounds familiar (picture me frantically waving over here!). I’m so glad we are making strides and easing the process for parents. I’m so wiped at the end of every day and having a place I feel good looking to for information that can quickly give me answers is great!

So if you’re looking for some information, inspiration or help to get you through this transition into solids check out the Beech-Nut blog. You might even be inspired to try some new foods for yourself!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Beech-Nut and originally appeared on BonBon Rose Girls. All opinions and thoughts expressed come from Megan.